Though I must admit I was disappointed on Valentine's Day when you took almost half an hour to point out 10 reasons why u love me. I am sure I can do much better.
I was planning to write down the typical “101 reason why I love you” kinds stuff for u. but then I thought, “hey, why not hate him once for a change on this lovey-dovey day?”
Whacko me, as usual.
Ok then. I hate these things in u:
1. You keep cracking those PJs of urs when I m like terrrriiibllyyyyy angry. You just piss me off more & bring me to wits end.
(well, I do love you for not joining me in my mood & eventually starting a fight!)
2. You are always on time in spite of knowing the fact that I’ll never be crowned “miss punctual”.
(I love to rush to the meeting spot to see you waiting for me rather than reaching there & not finding you)
3. You are sooo damned suspicious of any guy found in 10 ft diameter of an invisible circle around me. One name repeated twice in a day & I have to face a bombardment of questions. & that oh-so-typical line of urs : “I trust u, but I do not trust the other guys”. Relaaax.
(I do enjoy this attention & possessiveness; albeit just reduce it a bit)
4. You make me walk from the insides of the road. Why do you have to be the knight on the road? As if I have not handled myself well in the traffic all my life!!!!
(Well, I do admit my habit to stray in the middle of the road when lost in talk & understand your concern. Besides, it’s a relief no to worry about the oncoming traffic & the “unintentional” touches of the road Romeos.)
5. Ok now. Once n a while let me be real angry on u for a long time & let me scream & shout at you. Every time u start up this “1,2,3...” count of yours & I break up into a silly grin! RESPECT MY ANGER!!!
(Well, that is the very first reason I fell in love with you, didn’t I?)
6. Stop thinking on my behalf & jumping to conclusions. I have my tiny brain that is quite functional, whether you believe it or not. “I m sure you are thinking about this, I am sure you don’t like this”...& so on. Now, now. Don’t tire your brains so much. Allow me to voice my opinion too.
(Its actually funny the way you think about my thought process, my opinions. Gives a good insight into your perceptions about me as a person. But I repeat...relax.)
ummmm...I was all set to jot down 10 hate u pointers. But, I really can’t think ahead of this.
Do remind me of this list during our next fight.
Till then,
Hate u with all my love,
Your bachcha.